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Course readings exploring the intersection of social identity and place

XanEdu and Lived Places Publishing have partnered to provide faculty with course readings that focus on lived experiences in the context of place.

Each title in our collections focus on real human stories that enhance teaching of unique lived experiences of real people, written in a way to help educators introduce a topic and engage students through stories, multiple voices, and the experiences of people around the world.

We provide an ever-growing list of interdisciplinary and subject-based collections in topics across academic curriculum – such as Black Studies, Gender Studies, Disability Studies, and Queer and LGBT+ Studies.

Our collections deliver applied, concise course readings that help faculty illuminate the experience of social identity and the lived places we share.

Choose from off-the-shelf collections, pick and choose individual titles, or customize with your own content to create the perfect course material collection.


Explore the Collections

Social identity is most profoundly experienced in the context of place

The collections focus on the intersection of identity and place as a teachable context, including offering titles in Education Studies, Disability Studies, Black Studies, Asian Studies, and Queer and LGBT+ Studies.

Lived Places Publishing is led by collection editors with deep experience as researchers and teachers in their area of expertise. Our collection editors guide our authors through the writing and publication process, always with an eye to creating accessible and insightful course-aligned readings.

At Lived Places Publishing we publish applied, concise course readings that help faculty illuminate the experience of social identity and the lived places we share. XanEdu and LPP give educators flexible options for delivery to students, including:

  • Print or digital formats
  • Off-the-shelf collections
  • Flexibility to add, delete or re-mix content
  • Customize and integrate with other materials to match your course goals


Real human stories.

Unique lived experiences of real people.

A human-to-human connection.


Affordable net-to-bookstore pricing:

  • Each Collection is $75 for 3 print books (B&W format). Some collections have related topics that can be exchanged.
  • Digital e-Books are only $50 each net-to-bookstore (set of 3 in each collection).
  • Print + digital e-Book and customization options are available.

To place an order or to talk to us about tailoring Lived Places Publishing collections to your course:

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Browse the Collections

Black Women's Experiences

Review the three books in the Black Women's Experiences collection

Black Family Experiences

Review the three books in the Black Family Experiences collection

Disability Studies

Review the three books in the Disability Studies collection

Education Studies

Review the three books in the Education Studies collection

Course readings exploring the intersection of social identity and place

Learn more at livedplacespublishing.com
