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Our Approach

XanEdu FlexEd is a powerful tool that provides a complete courseware solution designed to keep costs down and enhance student outcomes in any setting whether in person, hybrid or virtual. FlexEd builds on top quality OER content, including OpenStax*, to guide students through each course in a way that supports student success through a carefully curated multi-modal approach.

View our courses and course design philosophy on this page. XanEdu FlexEd – let us help you deliver the perfect course for your students!


The above video is a short (1-min) overview of FlexEd. Want a deeper dive? Request a personal demo, or view our webinar demo of FlexEd.

Request a Demo

* XanEdu is OpenStax’s Preferred Partner for print solutions.

Learn more about XanEdu’s partnership with OpenStax



Created Flexibly, for Faculty and Students

Students will find these courses to be easy-to-use, convenient, and affordable. XanEdu FlexEd integrates with any LMS and will work across all devices.

Faculty now have a ready-to-use, complete set of flexible tools at their fingertips including homework, discussions, and assessments, all designed to complement and enhance existing, high quality OER content.* XanEdu FlexEd courses feature an intuitive and flexible interface for instructors to easily make modifications including the addition of their own materials.

* Read our Proper Use of Content Statement


Engaging Content

Topics are introduced with short, engaging videos. Text readings and practice activities provide detail and enable applied learning.

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Meaningful Analytics

You’ll know how much time your students are spending learning, what material they’re working with, and when they lose engagement, so you can keep them on-track.

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Easy to Use

All material is loaded and ready-to-go, including video, textbook, discussion boards, in-class presentation, quizzes and practice activities.



XanEdu FlexEd courses are 80+% less expensive than alternatives. No extras needed. Honest.

Our Philosophy

XanEdu FlexEd follows our own version of the “backwards design” (BD) philosophy. This philosophy is rooted in results from cognitive psychology research as well as student achievement studies. Our philosophy borrows from these and incorporates Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy as well as some of our own elements which includes extensive feedback from faculty and students. This blended approach does not depend on the amount of material covered, as is generally the case in a typical syllabus. Instead it takes a focused approach to ensure that all learning activities and instruction are guiding the student to the final outcomes.

Our philosophy is based on five key tenets:

  1. Minimize Distractions:
    A holistic approach to course design enhances learning, course focus and minimizes distraction from unnecessary or extraneous content. Backwards design focuses on creating a deeper understanding of the content.

  2. Build Understanding:
    Backwards design focuses on creating a deeper understanding of the content and materials through a multi-modal approach combining video, text, self assessments and supplemental materials.

  3. Avoid the Firehose:
    Presenting content and material in small digestible ‘chunks’ keeps students motivated. Presenting materials, self assessments, and supplementary information in a logically sequenced path keeps students focused and lessens the possibility of overwhelming them with information overload.

  4. Focus on Outcomes, Not Inputs:
    The most effective courses are designed with the end goal in mind. By beginning with the final desired results, often a comprehensive summative assessment, backwards design establishes clear goals and guides learning objectives to align to those goals.

  5. Always Improving:
    Data has to be part of the process. Metrics, rooted in student engagement and learning performance, are combined with regular instructor and student feedback to guide our course design and development decisions and inform continuous improvement.

XanEdu FlexEd courseware is used by thousands of students across colleges and universities large and small. It is an effective mix of blended/hybrid and fully online settings.  All of our courseware is editable for your needs and can be used with, or in place of, a traditional textbook – at substantially lower cost – supporting affordability initiatives while improving engagement and student performance. We invite you to schedule a short consultation and demo with us, to help you determine if FlexEd is right for your course! 

Schools using FlexEd

We’ve partnered with dozens of colleges and universities (and counting!) to help deliver an affordable, complete courseware solution that enhances student outcomes in any learning environment. Some of our FlexEd adopters can be found at these nationally recognized schools.


Phoenix College Maricopa
Texas AM
SUNY Geneso
UC Davis Logo
Williams College
Univ Illinois Springfield

Schedule a Personal Consultation

Let us help you deliver the perfect course for your students!

Schedule Now

Questions? Contact Us

We're here to help please call us at 1 (888) 212-3121 or use our contact form and a representative will be with you shortly.