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PLEASE NOTE: As of May 14, 2024, the assets of XanEdu Higher Education have been purchased by Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Please direct all future XanEdu Higher Education inquiries to xanedusupport@kendallhunt.com or (800) 228-0810.

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Campus solutions for higher education

We offer a comprehensive suite of intuitive tools, professional services, and top-quality content that boosts engagement and benefits the whole campus, from the library to the bookstore and beyond.

We offer custom development and fulfillment services across higher education

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Affordability solutions

XanEdu can help you create and refine a relevant, customized, affordable learning experience.

Bookstore services

Discover a complete campus solution, delivered through your store.

Library services

With our full range of services — content sourcing, editing, publishing, advising on affordability solutions, and more — we meet the ever-changing needs of campus libraries and their communities. 


Custom book services

With our custom book services, your campus will no longer be restricted to nationally published resources that don’t match course objectives.



A coursepack is a compilation of course materials that can replace or supplement course textbooks.

Copyright clearance services

Copyright clearance services are provided with all of XanEdu’s custom course materials.

We offer custom development and fulfillment services across higher education

Affordability solutions Bookstore services Library services Custom book services Coursepacks Copyright clearance services
Affordability solutions

Affordability solutions

XanEdu can help you create and refine a relevant, customized, affordable learning experience. Working with faculty, we develop top-tier course materials that work with your budget — and your students’ budgets.

Our open affordability experts can help you customize OER (open educational resources) source materials and navigate matters regarding licensing, public domain, reuse and remixing guidelines, usage parameters, and more.

Learn more
Our affordability solutions include:
  • Customized materials
  • Low-cost print materials and free digital materials
  • Support from OER experts
  • DIY and full-service options
Bookstore services

Bookstore services

Discover a complete campus solution, delivered through your store. XanEdu works with bookstores and educators to customize course materials, which helps control students’ materials costs.

As the exclusive provider of XanEdu coursepack titles, your campus bookstore will remain the primary resource for course materials on campus.

Additionally, we offer bookstores a 100% return policy for the coursepacks, custom books, and OpenStax textbooks that we provide in print or digital formats.

Speak to an expert
Benefits of our bookstore services include:
  • 100% returns
  • Increased sell-through
  • Low-cost printed OpenStax materials
  • Higher general merchandise sales
Library services

Library services

With our full range of services — content sourcing, editing, publishing, advising on affordability solutions, and more — we meet the ever-changing needs of campus libraries and their communities. 

As experts in custom publishing, we are ready to work with faculty, librarians, and your campus community to create any type of content while keeping costs low.

Speak to an expert
We can help libraries:
  • Source, edit, and publish content, from custom books to content aggregation
  • Find high-quality, vetted OER materials
  • Drive courseware usage on campus
Custom book services

Custom book services

With our custom book services, your campus will no longer be restricted to nationally published resources that don’t match course objectives.

Instead of adapting courses to fit existing materials, your faculty can create custom books and lab manuals that meet their criteria.

In addition to faculty-owned materials, custom books and lab manuals can include reprinted materials from a variety of sources — articles from professional journals, popular magazines, excerpts and illustrations from books or other documents, and more.

Learn more
Our custom book services include:
  • Affordable books for students, customized for each course
  • Editorial services
  • Custom print books, digital ebooks, or both


A coursepack is a compilation of course materials that can replace or supplement course textbooks. Our publisher-neutral approach lets you combine content from virtually anywhere.

XanEdu’s coursepacks are available in almost any format, so you can curate course materials in the format that best suits your class, and create a truly relevant learning experience.

Learn more
Our Coursepacks include:
  • Print and digital delivery options
  • Full customization and content control
  • DIY and full-service creation options
Copyright clearance services

Copyright clearance services

Copyright clearance services are provided with all of XanEdu’s custom course materials.

Using our extensive database of licensed content, our direct relationships with publishers, and our partnership with the Copyright Clearance Center, we can quickly pre-approve many requests.

We can provide your campus with copyright confidence, including campus-wide indemnification for bookstores, faculty, and institutions against any damages that arise as a result of infringement claims.

Learn more
Our copyright clearance services include:
  • Campus-wide identification
  • Research, permissions requests, and royalty payment management
  • A copyright-clearance-only package for situations where production and fulfillment services are not required

Campus bookstores: Quick tips for success in a changing world

In an ever-changing landscape of affordability initiatives, increases in digital content, new student expectations, and alternative learning environments, how can campus bookstores evolve?

Why work with XanEdu?

Our higher education products and services touch the lives of more than two million students each year. We are:

  • Custom content experts
  • Campus bookstore advocates
  • Committed to student affordability
  • Full-service and customer-oriented
  • The preferred print partner of several higher education publishers and content creators

Ready to learn more?

Connect with our team to explore how our campus solutions can support your college or university’s faculty, bookstore, library, and students.