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Video On-Demand:
Teaching Introduction to Business with XanEdu FlexEd

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(60 mins)


During this 1-hour webinar you will hear from OpenStax Introduction to Business contributing author Dr. James C. Hyatt from the University of the Cumberlands about his contributions to OpenStax's free, online business textbook. Additionally, XanEdu will share how FlexEd enhances student learning by offering a customizable and affordable courseware solution.

About FlexEd:

XanEdu FlexEd is affordable digital courseware that builds on the high quality, free content from Open RN to keep costs low for students. As a complete course-in-a-box, FlexEd provides everything from lecture slides to assessments, study aids, and case studies, all integrated with any LMS.

To learn more—fill out the form below, and hit the “Send Now” button.

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