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Odell Education High School Literacy Program

The Odell Education High School Literacy Program inspires creativity, builds knowledge, and enhances the skills students possess through student-centered and student-led analyses of robust texts and topics. Our instructional units empower students to pose questions, reflect, and evolve as independent thinkers and engaged participants in a learning community.

In the Odell Education HSLP, students:
  • Conduct their own analyses, using textual evidence to support their own ideas
  • Engage with their peers in rich and meaningful collaborative tasks
  • Access and analyze grade-level texts with the help of effective scaffolding and support, regardless of reading ability
Learn more about how Odell Education HSLP can empower your students—call (800) 218-5971 x6508 or email orderodell@xanedu.com.

XanEdu—Odell Education's Partner

For Unit Readers and Student Materials Books

Our Partnership Saves You Work

XanEdu was selected by Odell Education because the Unit Readers consist of a wide range of publishers’ copyrighted material that require permission for use—XanEdu has taken care of all of that work for you!

Ensure Success

Purchasing the required Unit Readers (1:1) is the only way to ensure your school has the materials it needs to successfully teach the Odell Education High School Literacy Program and maintain copyright compliance.


Odell Education HSLP Ordering Steps

Step 1

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Step 1: Visit ela.odelleducation.com to review available units for Grades 9-12 English Language Arts.

Step 2

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Step 2: Purchase Unit Readers from XanEdu—1 per student, for each grade.

XanEdu can also save you time and resources by printing and delivering Student Materials.

View Availability & Pricing » or Order Now »

Product Availability and Pricing

XanEdu was selected by Odell Education because the Unit Readers consist of a wide range of publishers’ copyrighted material that require permission for use—XanEdu has taken care of all of that work for you! Purchasing the required Unit Readers (1:1) is the only way to ensure your school has the materials it needs to successfully teach the Odell Education High School Literacy Program and maintain copyright compliance.

View products and pricing
Odell Education materials

Have Questions?

If you have questions about the Unit Readers, please call (800) 218-5971 x6508 or email orderodell@xanedu.com.

Order Now

Order your Unit Readers and Student Materials from XanEdu today!

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